Air Bridge Cargo è una linea aerea cargo russa recentemente scoperta a trasportare scimmie dall’Asia verso gli USA. Queste scimmie arriveranno in laboratori di vivisezione statunitensi dove il loro destino è segnato.
Alexey Isaikin, il presidente di ‘Volga – Dnepr Group’, l’azienda proprietaria di Air Bridge Cargo dichiara dal loro sito che questo gruppo cargo “conferisce valore alla società globale in cui noi tutti viviamo e lavoriamo”. Impossibile non chiedersi a quali valori si riferisca, visto il coinvolgimento della sua azienda con l’industria globale della vivisezione.
È necessario attivarsi ora e fermare questa ennesima azienda che ha deciso di fare affari sulla pelle degli animali!
Intasiamo i server di Air Bridge Cargo a partire dalla giornata di domani!
Invia loro una mail a :
Lettera tipo:
Dear Representative of AirBridgeCargo,
it has come to my attention that you transport monkeys to animal testing laboratories the US. I would kindly like to ask you to ban the transport of monkeys immediately and to publish a statement confirming your ban.
In the past years Gateway to Hell, the campaign that published the information about your transports, has organised large protests against airlines that transport monkeys to laboratories. These companies have acknowledged that being associated with the vivisection industry can be extremely detrimental for their public image. They desisted in transporting monkeys and introduced a policy banning future transports. Please join the ever-growing list of airlines that have implemented a ban on cruel lab animal transports
Kind regards
Air Bridge Cargo è parte del gruppo Volga – Dnepr, contatta anche loro lasciando un messaggio sulla loro pagina Facebook o via email a:
Lettera tipo:
Dear Mr. Isaikin,
it has come to my attention that AirBridgeCargo transports monkeys to animal testing laboratories the US. I would kindly like to ask you to advise them to ban the transport of monkeys immediately and to publish a statement confirming their ban.
In the past years Gateway to Hell, the campaign that published the information about their transports, has organised large protests against airlines that transport monkeys to laboratories. These companies have acknowledged that being associated with the vivisection industry can be extremely detrimental for their public image. They desisted in transporting monkeys and introduced a policy banning future transports. Please encourage AirBridgeCargo to join the ever-growing list of airlines that have implemented
Kind regards